If Casey Aldridge who is 19, really is the father of Jamie Lynns baby and it is proven that the baby was conceived in Spears's home state of Louisiana, then the act could technically be considered as "felony carnal knowledge of a juvenile". This is defined as "sexual intercourse with consent between someone age 19 or older and someone between age 12 and 17".
It was reported by Fox news, that in Louisiana a person can only legally consent to sex at age 17. If aged 15 or 16, the other person involved must be no more than two years older for the act to be considered legal.
The shocking news of Jamie Lynn's pregnancy was revealed when she granted a six-page interview with US magazine OK! Apparently she's also kept her older sister Britney Spears in the dark. Britney was fuming about the fact that she was one of the last people to find out.
Jamie Lynn found out via a home pregnancy test and had a huge shock when she did. She went to see a doctor and when he confirmed the results as positive she took two weeks of where she kept her pregnancy to Casey Aldridge a secret.
Casey Aldridge still hasn't made a public statement yet and whether the break up between him and Jamie Lynn is for real hasn't been officially confirmed either.

What is strange is that Casey's My Space profile states that he is only 17 and since the two have been going out for a few years this might actually be old new no longer relevant.
One thing is for sure, the Casey Aldridge plot thickens by the hour!
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